In 2010, the team at Meadowview Farms began keeping honey bees. We initially started with just a few bee hives, but soon grew to over 100! Our team wanted to ensure that the bees had everything they needed to thrive, so we planted several acres of wildflowers for them to gather nectar and produce their delicious honey. In addition to honey bees buzzing through the meadows, we began to notice several varieties of butterflies in the Meadowview fields. Thus, began our research and conservation efforts directed towards monarch butterflies and other pollinators.

Monarch Research

Research shows that less than 10% of monarch butterfly eggs that are laid in the wild survive to become adult butterflies. However, about 90% will survive if placed in an enclosed nursery. Our team also learned that milkweed is the only plant that a monarch butterfly will lay eggs on. It is also the only plant that monarch caterpillars can eat. We decided to plant hundreds of milkweed plants in order to help the monarch butterflies, and other pollinators in danger of decline. We also built a protective monarch environment to shield the eggs and caterpillars from predators.

Releasing Monarchs

On a daily basis, we find and collect eggs from the leaves of our milkweed plants, and place them in the enclosure until they hatch into caterpillars. We then feed the growing caterpillars milkweed leaves until they are mature enough to build a chrysalis. Approximately ten to fourteen days later, a monarch butterfly emerges! Once their wings are dry, we release the monarchs back into our meadows to pollinate plants and crops. We have released many dozens of new monarch butterflies just this year!

Boost your Immune System

This process is a victory for the majority of monarchs who survive through the development stage to become pollinators. It is also great for the plants and crops that need pollination. Our other star pollinators, the honey bees, are also working hard in the Meadowview fields! This year alone, we have harvested many gallons of honey, which have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that can help to boost immune systems and fight sickness.

Holistic Health

Learning about the natural health benefits of honey inspired us to begin protecting and raising pollinators like monarch butterflies. It also began our journey to a healthier, more natural lifestyle. This lifestyle shift led us to the holistic health benefits of CBD oil. CBD oil is produced from the hemp plant and has so many benefits for those who seek natural wellness or an alternative to medical pain relievers.

The team at Meadowview Farms not only produces CBD oil, we also harvest and sell our all-natural honey. The Meadowview Farms bees gather pollen from our fields full of many varieties of flowering plants including milkweed and hemp.

CBD and Nature

The hemp plants that we process to make our CBD oil, our busy honey bees, and our gorgeous monarch butterflies are all part of nature. Meadowview Farms strives to maintain nature’s balance and promote natural, environmental health.

Please explore our website to learn more about the benefits that CBD and honey have to offer! We hope to become your source for the most innovative wellness products available.